I'm all about creative stuff

Archive for December, 2013

Heathcliff’s Obsession

So I thought it was about time I got back to my blog posting after a 10 month hiatus – you know how it is when life gets in the way! This year I completed my Diploma of Photo Imaging (hence the lack of posts!) and I started a series of tragic lovers in literature/history. The first one is titled Heathcliff’s Obsession and is based on the Emily Bronte novel, Wuthering Heights. In case you don’t know the story (then you should read it), it’s set in the 1700s English countryside and Heathcliff is a homeless gypsy adopted by a wealthy family. The wealthy family’s daughter, Catherine, and Heathcliff fall in love but Catherine is influenced by upper class lifestyle and decides she can’t be with Heathcliff. Anyway, the story goes on with more tragedy, and I don’t want to spoil the ending! So I wanted to depict Heathcliff’s obsession with Catherine and the turmoil this has caused.


Thank you to my friends Ray and Clarissa for modelling for me. We had a great time doing this shoot although the weather was a bit changeable – first it was cloudy which made for nice even lighting, then the sun decided to come out – so bright! Anyway, we managed to make it work and with some help from Photoshop, this is the end result.
